Design by: Boris Pelcer / Ben Guzman

Father John Misty - Fear Fun

Illustration by: Dima Drjuchin

Fiona Apple - The Idler Wheel

Illustration by: ...

Eighty Kids – TURBO TOWN

Design by: 

Martin Y la Barquichuela - Puerto Despertar

Design: Bendita Gloria

Black Tapes - Shipwreck

Illustration: Dawid Ryski

fact: the author of this cover is also a band's drummer.

Bubble Pie - Bathroom Stories

Design by: Maciej Grochot

Culese din Cartier Vol.1

Illustration by: 


Design by: Sawdust

Hyetal - Broadcast

Design by: Luke Standing


Compilation JauneOrange Vol.4

Design by: Please Let Me Design

Brandt Brauer Frick - Iron Man

Design by: Christian Zander

Gerry Cott - Urban Soundscapes

Illustration by: Paul Andrews

Monteé - Rendition of you

Design by: Christian Bielke & Martin Stouslan, Illustration: Ingri Haraldsen

Two Crown King - EP

Painting by: Jacqui Oakley,  Design by: Jamie (Poly) 

Electric Wire Hustle – Electric Wire Hustle

Design by: Jeffrey Docherty

Music CD Labeling System

Design by: Joshua Distler

I Ate Mother

Design by: Joe Hinder ,Illustration by: Patch Keyes


Quantic - One Offs Remixes and B-Sides

Typography & Design by: ?

Parachute Journalists - Arrhythmia

Design and illustration by:

Joy Electric - My Grandfather, The Cubist

Design by: Invisible Creature

Horologium - The world is not enough

Design by: Nikolay Saveliev

Shidlas - Saliami Postmodern

Photography & design by: Mother Eleganza


Architecture in Helsinki: Places Like This

Illustration by:  Will Sweeney

Iron and Wine – The Shepherd’s Dog

Painting by: Sam Beam

Not only Sam Beam recorded The Shephard’s Dog, he’s also responsible for the this cover art.